Friday, July 3, 2020

4Th Of July Fireworks

Join us Live on the following streaming channels for the fireworks show of a lifetime.

Independence Day Celebration

The City of Hialeah Independence Day Celebration presented by Cano Health will allow all of us to celebrate together while staying apart. 
On Saturday, July 4, 2020, we are bringing the best fireworks display to your own home starting at 9:00PM! 
To encourage and support COVID-19 safety and social distancing efforts, the City of Hialeah is bringing you the best fireworks display to the comfort of your own home. Staying home, following safe social distancing guidelines, and watching our fireworks virtually will be the best way to enjoy the show this year.
The fireworks display will not be open to spectators and no pedestrians or vehicles will be allowed access to the area where the show is located. The City of Hialeah Police Department will be out in full force to disperse any gatherings in public spaces.